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music featured on the skins tv series programme

Episode 3: Alex
 Alex Season 5 episode 3 Skins

One man and his Dice...Meet the new Guy Alex!


Here you'll find a list of the music that features in this episode of Skins on Channel 4 and E4, followed by a scene by scene guide

Tracks featured in this episode:

Mike Simonetti - The Third Of The Storms (feat. Sam Sparro)

3-2-1..Alex wakes up with his alarm

The Secret Sisters
– The One I Love Is Gone
Scene: Music playing on the radio

Mariachi El Bronx – My Love
Scene: Alex takes liv back to his house to meet his Gran

Bonnie Prince Billy
– Is It The Sea?
Scene: Alex reads his Grandads diary to his Gran

- Headroll Federal Deal Soundcloud
Scene: Mini dances in the pub

Segal - Punishing Cake Soundcloud
Scene: Alex plays cards

Segal - Big sky Soundcloud

Scene: Alex

Nguzunguzu - Mirage
Alex and Liv break into a copmplete strngers messy house and clean it up

Soft Moon – Tiny Spiders
Alex heads off home to his Grans

Jack Blanchard – Lonely Bell
Scene: Alex gets back home to find his Gran has died

S. Carey
– Broken
Scene: Alex stares at the postcard his Gran was holding before she died

Council Estate Supermodels
– Keep Smiling
Scene: Grace gives the memorial crowd a flash

Death In Vegas
– Your Loft My Acid Fearless Transhouse Mix Long
Scene: Dancing on the yacht

Death In Vegas – Your Loft My Acid Fearless Transhouse Mix Long
Scene: Alex says his goodbye to his Gran

Akron/Family – One Spring Morning
Liv and Alex jump off the yacht

The Rapture – How Deep Is Your Love
end credits into next weels episode

Listen to the tracks on E4's Spotify playlist

Listen to Segal on Soundcloud playlist

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