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music featured on the skins tv series programme

Episode 8:LIv
Liv Skins Season 6 Episode8

Is Liv's hedonistic lifstyle like vodka for breakfast.. catching up with her!?

Here you'll find a list of the music that features in this episode of Skins on Channel 4 and E4, followed by a scene by scene guide

KTD - I Can't Explain
Scene: At The Fuck Exams party

Benny Benassi - Satisfaction
Scene: Alex has noisy sex with Donovan as Liv listens from her bed

Emeli Sande - Heaven

Scene: Liv makes breakfast - tune playing on the radio

MIA - Bad Girls
Scene: Liv parties on her own in the aftermath of last night's party

Blouse - Controller

Scene: Maudie is in the shower getting clean, Liv starts to worry about her stomach pains

Withered Hand - No Cigarettes
Liv is rejected again by Mini & Franky

No0z - The Streets

Scene: Liv and Franky have an argument

Segal - Settlers Soundcloud
Scene: Liv goes to the clinic

Blue Daisy - Fallin

Liv confronts Rich while he's revising

Clams Casino - Treetop

Scene: Liv sits alone on the hill having a smoke

Drake - Headlines

Scene: Liv returns home to Alex's to find Matty there, then Alex arrives home too

Zola Jesus - Collapse

Scene: Liv and Matty go round to see Mini and Franky

Daughter - Youth
Liv stumbles out of Mini's house after their fight

Segal - Settlers Soundcloud
Scene: Liv goes to the clinic again

Daughter - Youth
Liv seeks comfort from the receptionist at the clinic

Porcelain Raft - Drifting In And Out
At Gracie's graveside and next week's episode trailer

Listen to the tracks on E4's Spotify playlist

Listen to Segal on Soundcloud playlist

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