music featured on the skins tv series programme

Episode 9:Mini & Franky
Mini and Franky Skins Season 6 Episode9

Here you'll find a list of the music that features in this episode of Skins on Channel 4 and E4, followed by a scene by scene guide

Grouper - Moon is Sharp
Scene: Franky staring at the bright light through her fingers and looking at Mini under the covers

Clare Grogan - Don't Give Up Girl
Scene: Duvet action and breakfast dancing until Mini's mom and Eric turn up

The Saturdays - All Fired Up

Scene: Playing on the radio in the kitchen

Daughter - Love

Scene: Mini and Franky are followed by Matty

Hannah Peel - Sugar Hiccup
Scene: In the waiting room of the hospital

Gem Club - Breakers

Mini leaves the hospital amid the chaos and Alo turns up at Mini's

Segal - Everywhere Soundcloud
On the stairs Mini and Alo have a heart to heart

I am Harlequin - Wild One
Scene: Mini and Frankie walking down the road holding hands discussing Mini and the baby's future

Porcelain Raft - Backwords
Scene: Mini and Franky on the top deck of bus

Benny Benassi - Cinema

Scene: Dancing in the hostel bathed in red light

o F F Love - Be Around U
Scene: Alo and Rich chat in the barn, Alo rings Mini

Expensive Looks - Nothing More
Scene: Out of the hostel and into the rain

Segal - Everywhere Soundcloud
Scene: Waiting at the bus station

Visions of Trees - Sometimes It Kills

Scene: Franky runs away from Mini's house

Tim Victor and Segal - Let Me In Soundcloud
Scene: Rich comes to pick up Mini in the taxi

MC Hammer - Can't Touch This

Scene: Alo and Mini do the hand dance

Young Dreams - Young Dreams
Next time...

Listen to the tracks on E4's Spotify playlist

Listen to Segal on Soundcloud playlist

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