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music featured on the skins tv series programme

Episode 5: Mini
 Alex Season 5 episode 3 Skins


Here you'll find a list of the music that features in this episode of Skins on Channel 4 and E4, followed by a scene by scene guide

Sarah Leichtenberg - Take My Body
Scene: Mini and Alo get jiggy in the toilet

Chewy Chocolate Cookies - Profondo Rosso (Mixhell Remix)
Playing in the club when Liv knocks on the toilet door

Segal - Glif Soundcloud
Scene: Mini throws up

Jennifer Rush
- Power Of Love
Scene: Mini lying in bed, hears her mom and new boyfriend at it in the next room

Emika - Drop The Other
Scene: Mini calls her dad

Sun Glitters
- The Wind Caresses Her Hair (Albert Swarm Remix)
Scene: Mini meets Gregory at the aquarium

Four Tet
- She Just Likes To Fight
Scene: Mini staring at the pregnancy testers
then goes off to meet her dad at his office

Alex Winston - Velvet Elvis
Mini comes home to find Alo in her bed

Four Tet - Reversing
Alo and Mini have a laugh looking through Mini's photo album

PJ Harvey - On Battleship Hill
Ryan and Mini nearly kiss

Pale Sketcher
- Can I Go Now (Gone Version)
Scene: Mini wakes at her dad's pad and looks out at the view

- Stormbringer
Scene: Franky confronts Mini

- Crystal Ball
Scene: In class, Rich returns, yey!

The Deer Tracks
- Ram Ram
Scene: Mini discovers her dad's ticket

AlunaGeorge - You Know You Like It
Ryan and Mini almost get it on in the cloakroom

Lonely Galaxy - Heavy
Mini goes to find her dad outside the party by the waterside

Lanterns On The Lake - I Love You, Sleepyhead
Mini sees her scan

Next Time On Skins
- Billie Holiday

Trailer for next week's episode

Listen to the tracks on E4's Spotify playlist

Listen to Segal on Soundcloud playlist

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